
Bunnybell's Party

Yesterday we had a belated Gotcha Day Party for our niece Bunnybell. Since Rosy is no longer with us, I was in charge of party planning. I went with Bunny's fave decor and food - black and white polka dots and salmon. I think Rosy would have been proud. 

 The smoked salmon was absolutely delicious.

Next was the cake. Teddy couldn't even wait until it was cut ! (Not good form Teddy).

The cake was so yum !

After we were done, there was some bits of frosting on the table. So more bad form for Teddy and he hopped onto the table. He said he was just helping clean up..

And then Bunnybell opened her presents. She was a happy girl. I hope she loved her party.


  1. You always have the best parties!!! Salmon - yummy!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

    1. Thanks! Rosy was the best party planner so I am trying hard to carry on in her tradition1 TitusSMOOCHES!

  2. Titus it looks like you did a great job! I'm sure Rosy would have approved (aside from Teddy's bad form). Happy Gotcha Day Bunnybell! xoxo

    1. Thanks Tikka! Teddy has so much to learn. I wish Rosy was here to teach Prince School! TitusSMOOCHES!

  3. BunnyBell looks very happy to me & you can bet Rosy would have been appalled by Teddy’s total lack of table manners.

    1. Bunnybell loved her party! Yes, Teddy has SO Much to learn, obviously he has none of Rosy's genes! TitusSMOOCHES!

  4. Happy Gotcha Day Bunnybell. Looks like you had a fantastic party, even if Teddy was a bit over-enthusiastic about eating your cake.

    1. She did ! At least she got enough salmon and frosting since Teddy and I ate the cake ! TitusSMOOCHES!


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