
Birthday Breakfast

Dear world,
Today is Mommy's birthday. So Annie and I decided we wanted her to have a birthday breakfast in bed. I was in charge of setting up  Mommy's tray. Annie was in charge of getting the food. I figured to match my elegant presentation, Annie would bring back some fab foods like scones, croissants and strawberries. But much to my dismay, in she walked with McDonalds bags. She was very proud. She got bacon, egg & cheese biscuits for everyone, so we could all have breakfast in bed. I should have known better than to delegate food selection to Annie.
BearHUGs Forever,


  1. Happy Birthday to Mom!! I bet Mom was ok with Annie's selection since Annie picked it out. Great job with Mom's tray, Rosy! Hope Mom had a great day!

    1. Thanks Tikka! Yes, of course Mommy praised Annie (but I secretly know she would have loved a scone!) BearHUGs & RosyPoodleKisses!

  2. What a beautiful photo! Thank you for doing breakfast in bed girls! Happy Birthday!

    1. Thanks, I just love all the pink of course! BearHUGs & RosyPoodleKisses!

  3. Happy Birthday to your mommy, Rosy and Annie. She had to love how her day started with a lovely breakfast in bed. You girls are the best. xo

    1. Yes! She loved her breakfast in bed. And I insisted she wear the birthday tiara so she would feel extra special! BearHUGs & RosyPoodleKisses!

  4. What a wonderful day to celebrate...Happy Birthday Mom. Rosy and Annie, you are the best kids anyone could ask for. My mom looked at me and said she want a steak McMuffin for her Bday ....now look what you started ladies !!!
    Sending Woof Whistles and Birthday wishes.
    You handsome mandog, Bosco Boy.

    1. Thank you! Bosco, of course you can do a Steak McMuffin for Mom's birthday. And then you can request the menu for your birthday! I had fried chicken! BearHUGs & RosyPoodleKisses!

  5. Aw...it looks like you're giving Annie a scolding. She probably just wanted to make sure there was bacon included on the menu. You could fix another tray for Mother's Day with fruit and pastries. You did an excellent tray presentation. You even have Princesses on the plate. You're a very clever girl, Rosy!


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