
New Golden

Dear world,
Yesterday, while Mommy was out she called Daddy to tell him she was bringing home a new dog. We were very excited to meet our new sibling.  When Mommy came home we watched through the window and saw her carrying a Golden to the backyard. YAY! We ran outside to meet him. He did not come over to say hello. But we figured he had gotten carsick since he looked a bit green. Then we went over to him and realized we had a faux sibling. A bit perplexed, we discussed our idea for names. We still haven't decided. Any ideas?
BearHUGs Forever,


  1. We have a kitty like that near our fireplace. He looks like me, so I like to lay by him. I don't think he has a name though. I didn't consider naming him. I'll have to ask Mom about that! Have you guys thought about what names you like?

    1. Our friend Teddy M. Bear suggested Teddy, we really like that name. Annie thinks we should call him Greenie, which is sort of cute too. Still thinking. BearHUG & RosyPoodleKisses!

    2. I like both names. I think I like Teddy a little better since it makes me think of Teddy Bear which makes me think of Bear.

  2. Love that you have another Golden (granted he is green) guarding your homestead. Since this Golden is a handsome statue in memory of our dear, sweet Bear, I like the name Gabriel. Gabriel is a high-ranking angel and I'm sure that Bear is the highest ranking of all. XO

  3. Bosco saw this statue and fainted right at my feet, he thought it was Bear or Fuzz come back to life....I'm still trying to revive him....
    Bosco's mom

    1. Oh we wish! But it is an honorary Golden for our home. One day our home will welcome a Golden, but until then, we have a sweet Green one! BearHUGs & RosyPoodleKisses!


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