
Lawn Bowling

The other day I decided it was time for Annie to learn lawn bowling. So when the pins were set up, I explained the game and gave her the green ball.

I demonstrated with my purple ball how to knock the pins down.

When it was her turn she went over to the pins and knocked them down with her nose. Next class, remedial lawn bowling.


  1. Rosy, I think you've just got to be a little more lenient...Annie isn't the brightest star in the game; but she's just so sweet I can't help but adore her (and I am a cat!).
    I've got the same problem with my mom. She thinks she can do just about anything around the house. However, according to her latest self-confessing blog article, 'it just ain't so...' Hence, we smart ones have got to make allowances.

    1. I know, Ever since we got Annie, I have been really learning patience with those not as brilliant and talented as myself. But she does excel at adorable. BearHUGs & RosyPoodleKisses!

  2. Rosy, it seems as though Annie works slowly and methodically. She likes to do things in an efficient way. Her nose works best. xo

    1. I really dont think Annie was going for efficient, but it is very nice of you to think that way! BearHUGs & RosyPoodleKisses!

  3. It looks to me like Annie took the practical approach. She's much more likely to knock down all the pins with her nose than the ball! At least Annie looks interested in lawn bowling, Rosy! You guys sure have fun activities!

    1. Annie does find her nose very useful. She uses her nose for things most dogs would use their paws for. She even digs in the dirt with her nose! BearHUGs & RosyPoodleKisses!


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