
Compliment Your Mirror Day

just love this day and think that everyone should celebrate it.  It is important to recognize one’s own self worth; something I personally don't have any problem with.  So I demonstrated to Annie and looked in the mirror and told it “You’re fabulous!”  Then I encouraged Annie to do it.  She wasn't sure what to say. I suggested she say how she sees herself and/or how she wants the world to see her, such as “I am a good girl”. She thought about it and barked: “I am irresistible and in need of a treat”.


  1. Truer words were never spoken! We've always known you're Fabulous, Princess Rosy! And Annie is both a good girl AND irresistible! She also gave us the idea to go tell OurPeople that we need a treat. And guess what?! They agreed and we all got one. Now we need a nap. <^..^<

  2. What a great job Annie did. She even worked in her favorite topic, treats! Happy Compliment Your Mirror Day! I say I am a fab shade of orange and very fluffy! I also love my Mom and my sister a lot. I feel that's a very good quality!


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