
Little Rosy Riding Hood

Dear world,
I just had to have an outfit like Little Red Riding Hood. I thought the cape was just so divine. So then I thought maybe I should read the story to understand more about this fashionable girl. But I had no idea that it gave such a bad impression of wolves and gave him such a horrible fate. Didn't the author know wolves are my (and all dog) ancestors? I think I will do another version where the wolf becomes Grandma's pampered pet and all live happily ever after. I will call it Little Rosy Riding Hood.
BearHUGs Forever,


  1. You're adorable Rosy. I agree, it should be Little Rosy Riding Hood! :)

  2. Rosy, I too love wolves. I will prefer to read your story.

  3. First of all Rosy, your outfit is divine. You're so beautiful in red. You have excellent concentration while "reading" the pictures; I think that's why you're very smart. Please do write your own "Little Rosy Riding Hood". I'm sure it would be on the NY Times Best Seller list..

    June (noahzbark)

  4. Oh Rosy, your story would be ever so much better than the original. Plus, for the photo illustrations, you could dress up and play all the parts! (And then you and Annie could eat all the food in the basket of goodies.) OurPeople would definitely buy some books for their nieces & nephews...and, of course, one for themselves, which they could then read to us! Everybody wins!!

    Love & enthusiastic purring from all of us
    P.S. You look adorable, as usual

  5. Perfect Rosy!!! You would have a great story to tell, and of course, you would be the star. Then Hollywood would come knocking at your door! Exciting!!

    1. ...ooops! I forgot to tell you that you look mah-velous!!!

  6. Rosy, I really like that your cape fits around your ears. You look delightful, and so sweet.
    Ruthie and Bella the Rat Terrier princess

  7. Omg you look so cute!!! But yes, I agree, your version sounds MUCH better!


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