
Packing for Blog Paws

We are leaving for the Blog Paws Conference on Wednesday so it is time to pack. Annie and I each prepared what we want to bring. But now we have to figure out how to fit it into our bag (I share my Princess bag with her). I told Annie she needs to narrow down her toys and select two. She thinks she should have her own bag. I told her it is only for a few days so she doesn't need more than two toys. I said I will be fair by eliminating two dresses (and will put my tiaras and jewels in my train case.) 


  1. I can't tell you how jealous I am. Mom and I were supposed to go to BlogPaws this year, but she went to Zurich instead. Now I won't get to meet you in pawson! *pout*

    1. Oh no! We would have loved to meet you too! We will have to have a rain check (should be called an extreme heat wave check)! I hope Zurich was lovely! RosyPoodleKisses!

  2. pack everything ... you guys are driving :-) See you soon. Golden Woofs, SUGAR

    1. Oh pulleese do not tell Annie to pack everything! She will bring ALL her toys! Cant wait to see you! RosyPoodleKisses!

  3. Wow, Rosy, that is a LOT of pink! And Annie sure has a lot of toys. It must be hard to choose just a few things to take along. Be sure you each have a roomy treat bag in case samples are given out. Have fun!!

    1. Of course its a lot of pink, my signature! Annie is thinking differently than you and I about the treat samples. She thinks it would be better to just eat them as she receives so we don't have to lug around a big bag! RosyPoodleKisses x8 + 3

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks so much Fernando! We are very excited! RosyPoodleKisses!

  5. I hope you're going to do a lot of blogging about your trip, Rosy! Seems u might have more stuff than Annie? Have a fab trip! We're looking forward to hearing about it!

    1. Yes! I plan to do lots of Rosy reporting! Annie didnt want to bring anything besides her toys. I am going to put some sunglasses for her in my bag too though. RosyPoodleKisses!


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