
Cheese Pizza Day

It's National Cheese Pizza Day !!! Mom promised us if we dressed up as pizza we would get to  eat some. So here we are.. Teddy and Titus, pizza slices ! 

 Mom keeps her promises! The doorbell rang. Dominos arrived !
I was so happy! I couldn't wipe the grin off my face. Teddy on the other paw, dug right in!
I then joined Teddy before he ate the whole pizza!
Happy Cheese Pizza Day ! Hope its totally yum! 


  1. You guys are so adorable! It looks like you're having no problems chowing down even in your pizza suits! Happy Pizza Day boys! xoxo

  2. Boys, I gotta hand it to you...you both actually sat together for the photo shoot in costume? That is an amazing picture of you and Teddy, grinning is just perfect! Kudos to your mom for making me laugh. Sending lots of luv to you all....Lulu


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